Creative Color Schemes 2 eBook |
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The Creative Color Scheme 2, RGB VersionWith RGB | HEX color values For PowerPoint, website, animation and all kinds of digital media Basically, the color model of process printing is completely different from on-screen display. In fact, CMYK is an ink-based system that mixes percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks together to create all other colors. On the other hand, RGB is a light-based system that combines red, green, and blue lights to generate particular colors on a screen. The RGB version of the Creative Color Schemes 2 is specially designed for on-screen display with its full lightness and luminosity. With the completely new optimized RGB and HEX values, many colors are now brighter and clearer than before. Light and vivid colors appear even more refreshing and shining than ever. The Creative Color Schemes 2 also comes in the RGB, Glow in the Dark edition. As a result, the whole brilliant colors are glowed in the dark. Both of the RGB version e-books are suitable for any design of PowerPoint, website, animation and all kinds of digital media. |