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Creative Color Schemes Paperback Book

The Paper Version

paperback book version

Paperback Book

English-Thai edition
208 pages [5.75 x 8.27 in]
High quality four color offset
print (CMYK).
130-gsm glossy art paper,
adhesive stitch binding.
Reprint 2008

Price: $23.95
Includes shipping and handling cost
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For graphic designers, commercial printers, printing service bureaus

**Limited Stock**

At the moment, we only have a limited number of paperback books in stock. If you are interested in the printed book, make sure that you get it soon enough. Otherwise, you may need to wait for several months before we reprint them again.

The paper version of this book shows real CMYK color samples on paper. The books are printed with high quality process inks on 130-gsm glossy art paper. While the CTP (computer-to-plate) process increases plate quality as well as printing quality, the adhesive stitch binding ensures heavy-duty use.

Englihsh-Thail Edition

At present, we only have the printed book of Creative Color Schemes in English-Thai edition. In this edition, the introduction and descriptions of color scheme are in Thai language while color scheme name and table of content are remained in English. Therefore, you still can use most of the book without difficulty. When you want to see the description of a color scheme, just refer to the ebook.

With this book in hand, you can bring it with you anywhere and also can look at it anytime without accessing your computer. In addition, you and your colleagues (or your customers) together can easily work on a color scheme of your design.

Please see the book preview for more details.

Book Preview

You can download the Creative Color Schemes paperback book preview together with the ebook in the Previews section

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